DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 74-80 Author(s) Viktor N. Sokolov Institution(s) Odessa state medical university, Ukraine Article title New technologies for obtaining of malignant tumours images with usage of mathematical algorithms. Abstract (resume) In the paper new technologies for obtaining of malignant tumours images of mamma with usage of mathematical algorithms. 500 patients in age from 19 till 76 years have tasted. 258 the diagnosis breast cancer was represented. Mammograph "Alpha-ST7227" (Finland) was used. Digital analysis of mammograms was conducted by known and synthesized mathematical algorithms. The different combinations of linear and nonlinear algorithms were used too. Usage of mathematical algorithms allows to receive the three-dimensional image, to get precise sizes breast tumour, to define the form, outlines, to improve quality of image by changing of luminosity and visibility, to reveal calcinites, associated with a malignant tumour, to produce correction of mammograms. That allows to reduce considerably radial load by a patient at realization of mamma screening inspections. Keywords mammography, digital analysis of mammograms, linear and nonlinear mathematical algorithms References Full-text version |
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