DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 165-173 Author(s) O. Yu. Mayorov Institution(s) Institute of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine,Kharkiv, Ukraine The Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education under the Ministry of Health of of Ukraine Institute of Children and Adolescents of Health Potection under the Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv Article title Computer EEG — past, present, future Part 1. A history of qEEG development, the review of special methods of research Abstract (resume) The paper is devoted to a history of qEEG development, to an estimation of a condition and prospects of the further development of this method. In Part 1 some historical data on origin of qEEG and the brief review of modern methods of EEG research which enter into an arsenal of clinical neurophysiologists are resulted. Among them: advantages of qEEG at the classical visual analysis, technology of sleep research pathology, long-term monitoring at epilepsy, sources localization of normal and pathological EEG/EP activity (an inverse problem), digital technologies at EP/ERP registration. The Part 2 is devoted to classical and newest mathematical methods of the EEG/EP analysis. Keywords quantitative EEG (qEEG), sleep researches (polysomnography), long-term EEG monitoring at epilepsy, sources localization (inverse problem), computer EP/ERP References Full-text version |
Our partnersUkrainian Association for Computer Medicine Department of Clinical Informatics and Information Technologies in Health Management of KhMAPE (joined to ESIPE of KhNMU at the end of 2022 after merging with the Department of Social Medicine, Management and Business in Health Care) Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education ( ESIPE KhNMU) (Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education joined ESIPE KhNMU at the end of 2022) |