DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 197-201 Author(s) K. P. Vorobyev Institution(s) Lugansk Region Clinical Hospital, Ukraine Article title Monitoring of heart rate variability as reference method of an estimation of a functional state of an organism during hyperbaric oxygenation Abstract (resume) The exploratory retrospective basic clinical research of the current practice which is based on the analysis of 607 clinical supervision during carrying out of 3892 sessions of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO) at exogenous intoxications and diseases with obligate infringements of vegetative regulation. Comparison of dynamics of thirty known parameters of heart rate variability (HRV) during HBO and reference clinical attributes of current of diseases is executed. Dynamics of parameters HRV during HBO at various diseases depend on a sex (p<0,001), age (p<0,001), gravity of the general state (p<0,001) and diseases (p<0,001). A lot of informative and statistically significant mathematical models and the data which show is submitted, that dynamic lines of parameters HRV are adequate criteria of functional state of an organism (FSO), allow to predict an outcome of diseases and efficiency of treatment. As a result of research the standardized protocol of monitoring FSO is developed during sessions of HBO according to parameters HRV and principles of selection of optimum dozes of HBO are determined. Keywords heart rate variability, a hyperbaric oxygenation, a functional state of an organism References Full-text version |
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