DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 3, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 75-81 Author(s) Ingegard E. Malmros, MD Institution(s) Karolinska Institute, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Stockholm, Sweden Article title Heart rate variability in gaming — methods and preliminary results Abstract (resume) Background: Both the civil and military authorities are introducing computer programs, similar to games, as education al tools and for medical treatment. Analyses of the users' psychophysiological responses have become a valuable tool within media research. The aim of this study was to evaluate a method for cap turi ng HRV (heart rate variability) data related to war-like events in a com put er game, reflecting autonomic influences of heart rate. Methods and subjects: Six participants (one female) 19–37 years of age played an action game tutorial three times each. The measured variables were various HRV parameters, obtained with the mobile POLAR 810i device. These values were analyzed in relation to events in the computer game, captured by video recordings. Results: The result indicates that the methods with the mobile POLAR 810i and videorecorders fulfil the basal requirements for capturing intended data. The HRV analyses, with the curves coupled to the video monitored game on the screen, showed features indicating a relation between game events and the HF (High Frequency) and LF (Low Frequency) power. There were great differences be tween subjects in absolute HRV values but the response pattern to game events was similar within subjects. The HF power was significantly reduced (P&le,0,001) when computer gaming (428 ms2) com pared with resting in a supine po si tion (1613 ms2). The LF/HF-ratio was also sig nif i cant ly higher when gaming (340 ms2) compared with resting (94 ms2) indica ting a depressed parasympathetic (vagal) drive which favours the sympathetic one. In media research the HF component of HRV is usually called RSA (Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia). Conclusion: Psychological responses appeared to be related to events in a war-like computer game. HRV seemed to be a useful and easily obtainable mea sure. Keywords computer game, heart rate variability, HRV, psychological responses, RSA References 1. Antonovsky A. Hälsans mysterium. Natur & Kultur, 1991. 2. Asaravala A. When War Games Meet Video Games. At URL 2004-10-20,1282,65403,00.html 3. Castor N, Nählinder S, Lindström P. Metoder för prestationsvärdering i stridsfordon. Linköping: Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI., 2003 Sept. Report no.: FOI-R-0927-SE. ISSN 1650-1942. 4. Dreborg K.-H. Svensson J.-E. Real time gaming with real decision makers — Experiences from crises management gaming for the Swedish economic defence. Stockholm: National Defence Research Establishment (FOA), 1990 Febr. Report no.: FOA Rapport B 10050-1.2. ISSN 0281-0263. 5. Frank A., Lundblad N. 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