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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 7, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 70-75


N. I. Zabolotna1, S. V. Pavlov1, B. P. Olijnychenko2


1Vinnytsia National Technical University, Ukraine

2SPC "Medivin", Vinnitsia, Ukraine

Article title

Phase Mueller-matrix tomography system of polucrystalline networks of biological tissue

Abstract (resume)

In the paper proposed a multichannel phase tomography system of biological tissues, allowing a direct measurement of Mueller-matrix of images to provide direct information about the distribution of phase shifts, followed by statistics, correlation and fractal analysis of phase tomograms. Through the application for sensing histological low-coherent semiconductor laser diode and the principle of multi-channel scheme has improved accuracy and enhanced functionality. The experimental results demonstrate the high sensitivity of aggregate statistics, correlation and fractal parameters characterizing the phase tomogram changes orientational phase structure of optical anisotropic component of biological tissues.


biological tissue, Mueller-matrix image, tomography, phase shift, polycrystalline network, statistics, correlation, fractal parameters


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