DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 9, Issue 10, 2013, Pages 117-122 Author(s) S. Solovyov Institution(s) P. L. Shupyk National medical academy of post-graduate education Department of virology, Ukraine, Kyiv Article title Development and analysis of dynamic model of morbidity of rotavirus infection and evaluation of possible consequences of its specific prevention in Ukraine Abstract (resume) Using data of clinical and laboratory observations of the features of epidemic process of rotavirus infection (RVI) among children under 5 years in Ukraine it has been developed the model, based on the system of differential equations, describing the dynamics of morbidity and takes into account the previous cases. The model reproduces the seasonal characteristics of the disease and the age distributionof cases of RVI among children under 5 years in Ukraine. The modeling found that in the structure of morbidity is dominated by the number of first cases of disease in the age group "1 to 2 years". Projected maximum decrease of the morbidity of RVI is about 48.4% after 7–8 years from the start of vaccination. The results showed that immunoprophylaxis is effective in reducing the morbidity of RVI in Ukraine, and active implementation of immunization is a strategic decision in the struggle with RVI in Ukraine. Keywords rotavirus infection, disease, dynamics, differential equations References 1. Rotaviruses A. Z. Kapikian, Y. Hoshino, R. M. Chanock [et al]. Fields virology. – 2001. – vol. 2. – P. 1787–1833. 2. Parashar U. D., Burton A., Lanata C. [et al.]. Global mortality associated with rotavirus disease among children in 2004 J. Infect. Dis. – 2009. – vol. 200 (suppl. 1). – p. 9–15. 3. M. Soriano-Gabarro, J. Mrukowicz, T. Vesikari. Burden of rotavirus disease in European Union countries. J. Pediatr. Infect. Disease. – 2006. – vol. 25, N 1. – p. 7–11. 4. Миндлина А. Я. Пути оптимизации эпидемиологического надзора за антропонозами с фекально-оральным механизмом передачи. Эпидемиология и инфекционные болезни. – N4. –2012 – С.16–20. 5. І. В. Дзюблик, О. В. Обертинська, І. Г. Костенко [та ін.]. Ротавірусна інфекція у дітей України Профілактична медицина. – 2009. – N2. – с. 34–37. 6. Rose J., Hawthorn R. L., Watts B., Singer M. E. Public health impact and cost effectiveness of mass vaccination with live attenuated human rotavirus vaccine (RIX4414) in India: model based analysis. BMJ 2009,339:b3653. 7. Державний Комітет Статистики України. 8. Velazquez F. R., Matson D. O., Calva J. J., Guerrero L. [et al] Rotavirus infections in infants as protection against subsequent infections. N Engl J. Med, 335 October (14) (1996), pp. 1022–1028. 9. Bhan M. K., Lew J. F., Sazawal S., Das B. K., Gentsch J. R. and Glass R. I. Protection conferred by neonatal rotavirus infection against subsequent rotavirus diarrhea. J. Infect Dis, 168 August (2) (1993), pp. 282–287. 10. Ruiz-Palacios G., Schael I. P. and Velazquez F. Safety and efficacy of an attenuated vaccine against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis. N Engl J. Med, 354 (2006), pp. 11–22. 11. Heymann D. L. Gastroenteritis. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, (18th ed.), American Public Health Association (2004), pp. 224–227. 12. WHO. Immunization profile — Ukraine. – Geneva:WHO, 2010: 13. S. Solovyov, J. Rose, I. Dzyublyk, E. Trokhimenko. Predictive models of efficacy and public health impact of vaccination with rotavirus vaccine in Ukraine.Компьютерные исследования и моделирование. – 2012.– т. 4. N2. с. 407–421. 14. Linhares A. C., Velazquez F. R., Perez-Schael I. Efficacy and safety of an oral live attenuated human rotavirus vaccine against rotavirus gastroenteritis during the first 2 years of life in Latin American infants: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study. Lancet. 2008. 371: pp. 1181–1189. 15. Lopez P., Linhares A., Perez-Schael I. [et al]. Early protection against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis–RIX4414 experience in Latin America. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Infectious Diseases, 3–5 may, Basel. – Switzerland, 2006.:pp. 24–26. 16. Боев Б. В. Современные этапы математического моделирования процессов развития и распространения инфекционных заболеваний Эпидемиологическая кибернетика: модели, информация, эксперименты. М., 1991. с. 6–13. 17. Бородулин А. И., Десятков Б. М., Шабанов А. Н., Ярыгин А. А. Статистическая модель эпидемического процесса Сибирский журнал индустриальной математики. – 2007. – Т. 10, N 2. – с. 23–30. 18. Бароян О. В., Рвачев Л. А. Математика и эпидемиология. М.: Знание, 1977. с. 63. 19. Бароян О. В., Рвачев Л. А. Прогнозирование эпидемий гриппа в условиях СССР Вопросы вирусологии. 1978. N 2. с. 131–137. Full-text version |
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