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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 9, Issue 10, 2013, Pages 141-144


D. V. Lande, I. V. Gorbov, I. V. Balagura


Institute for information recording of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev

Article title

Characteristics in co-author network of medical sciences

Abstract (resume)

The aim of the paper is to investigate main characteristics and features of co-author network of medical sciences and to recognize important nodes. Co-author network in areas of "Medicine. Medical sciences" of the Ukrainika naukova abstract database is studied in the work. There is shown that applying of nodes centrality characteristics allow to determine authors of scientific works which are heads of scholar schools, made a significant contribution and support communication between scientific teams. The improved degree centrality is proposed and tested. This coefficient modifies nodes weights with equal links.


the Ukrainika naukova abstract database, complex networks, co-author networks, centrality, medical sciences


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