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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 11, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 19–25


E. M. Kryvenko


SI "Ukrainian Institute of Strategic Researches Ministry of Health of Ukraine", Kyiv, Ukraine

Article title

Information component of health care heads activity of different levels

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. For optimization of health care heads activity of different levels it is necessary to examine their information supply and information needs.

Materials and methods. For achievement of tasks under specially developed questionnaire (authoring protected by the copyright) survey of health care heads of different levels has been carried out In survey on studying structure and volumes of information flows and information needs at different levels of management of heals care have taken part 250 heads of bodies of health care of Ukraine: 19 - regional, 161 – district and 70 - city management levels.

The object of the study is to investigate the distribution channels of information on activity of branch of health care among health care heads of different levels, as well as frequency, importance and availability of obtaining information in the direction of health care organization.

Study results. Have been studied channels of information, which heads of different levels of management frequently use for distribute information on their activities and consider the most perspective: the majority of respondents is use more often personal contacts with other experts and place information in the mass-media (newspapers, radio, television). About use of such information channel as exhibitions, conferences, congresses, seminars more often it is used by heads of regional and city level of management, less often heads of district level of management, due to their availability. The received data have been shown that the most perspective channels of information distribution for heads of regional level of health care management are exhibition, conferences, congresses, seminars and information in mass-media, and the least perspective appeared scientific publications at more often use of these sources by heads of other levels of management. It is established that at all levels of management information on questions of the organization of medical aid on a regular basis is required, medical statistics and provide medical products and products of medical purpose. Heads of all levels of health care management most important types of information sources have indicated Journal articles, special literature (state standards, methodological documents) and the Internet. Thus the most accessible sources of information are Journal articles, reference books on specialities and the Internet.

Conclusion. Results of research of an information work of health care heads of different levels allow open more widely administrative information needs and to define possible ways of management activity optimization.


information supply, information needs, management activity, organization of health care


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