DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 11, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 85–90 Author(s) D. V. Vakulenko Institution(s) SHEI "Ternopil State Medical University name after. I. Y Gorbachevsky ministry of health care of Ukraine" Article title Influence of complex procedures massage to patient and masseur are modeling. Abstract (resume) Purpose. To construct a mathematical model of interaction of complex procedures on the patient and massage masseur to quantify the impact on participants massage procedure, patient and very complex procedures masseur massage. Metods: Complex massage procedures aimed at influencing various organs and tissues of the patient and as a result of a change of massage treatments in organs and tissues massage, which can be quantitatively evaluated. To quantify the impact of massage procedure on the patient and masseur construct a system of ordinary differential equations. Results. The paper discusses the procedure of massage, existing techniques of massage, indicators that characterize it. A review of the mechanisms of action of massage treatments on different systems, organs and tissues of the body of the patient and the masseur. Elected representative indicators studied compartments and formed them into a matrix-vector status of the patient, a massage therapist and massage treatments. A simplified mathematical model of massages, numerical experiments and comparative figures are calculated with those obtained in the experiment. There is a correlation between the same calculated and experimental data. Discussion: It should be noted that in order to better display the effect of massage treatments and massage therapist on the patient according to different methods, duration and intensity of massage treatments need to complicate the mathematical model by introducing additional indicators and integro-differential equations. Keywords massage procedure, the mathematical model, the matrix of the state vector of the patient, a massage therapist, massages. References 1. Mincer O. P. Medical information systems: the development and prospects in real life. Kibernetika i vyichislitelnaya tehnika [Cybernetics and Computer Science]. 2001, iss. 2, pp. 37–60. (in Russ.) 2. Marzeniuk V. P. System analysis methods of medical and biological process. International Workshop "PDMU-2004", May 25–30, 2004, Ternopil, Ukraine. Abstracts. pp. 209–215. (In Ukr.). 3. Babunc I. V., Miridzhanjan Z. M., Mashaeh Ju. A. ABC of heart rate variability analysis. The electronic version of the book Stavropol', 2002. (in Russ.) ( 4. Baevskij R. M., Ivanov G. G., Chirejkin L. V. Analysis of heart rate variability using different electrocardiographic systems (guidelines). Vestnik aritmologii [Herald arrhythmology]. 2001, iss. 24. pp. 65–86. (in Russ.) 5. Vakulenko L. O., Priluc'ka G. V., Vakulenko D. V. Therapeutic massage. Ternopіl', TDMU, Ukrmedkniga Publ., 2005, 430 p. (In Ukr.). 6. Smirnov K. Ju. Smirnov Ju. A. Razrabotka i issledovanie metodov matematicheskogo modelirovanija i analiza biojelektricheskih signalov [Development and research of mathematical modeling methods and analysis of bioelectric signals]. St. Petersburg: Scientific research. Laboratory "Dynamics", 2001. 60 p. (in Russ.) (The electronic version of the book) Full-text version |
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