DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 12, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 124–129 Author(s) O. A. Panchenko1, 2, 3 Institution(s) 1State Institution "Scientific - Practical Medical Rehabilitation-Diagnostic Center of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health" 2Higher Educational Institution "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management" 3Ukrainian Professional Psychiatric League Article title Turbulence in information security of a person Abstract (resume) Introduction. The article discusses the little known phenomenon of turbulence in the relationship with information security. Objective. The research of the concept of "turbulence" in various aspects of studying and ensuring of the information security of a person. Study results. The concept of "turbulence of the information environment" as a destructive factor that forms information and socio-political turbulence, and as a result – the information and psychological turbulence of a person as unstable, unpredictable state of the human psyche, caused by information impact, entailing inadequate assessment of the environment and leading to illogical actions, is considered. A structural-functional model of providing information-psychological security in the cause-and-effect relationship with information-psychological turbulence is proposed. The model reflects the impact factors both at the level of the state and society, and at the personal level. Conclusion. As a result of the research it was shown that the concept of "turbulence" is relevant in the field of information security. The turbulence of the information environment acts as a destructive factor, forming the layers of information and socio-political turbulence, and as a result - the entry of a person into information-psychological turbulence. The proposed model reflects an integrated approach to solving the problem. It is emphasized that turbulence, as an adequate response of the person, plays a constructive role in the formation of "turbulent thinking", creating prerequisites for ensuring information security. The presented results of the work create the basis for further scientific research of the indicated problem along the whole line "personality-society-public-state". Keywords turbulence, information environment, turbulence of the information environment, information security, information-psychological turbulence, turbulent thinking References 1. Smirnov M. A. Information environment and society development. Informazionnoe obschestvo [Information Society]. 2001, n. 5, pp. 50-54. (In Russ.). 2. Sharshov I. A., Makarova L. N. A changing external information environment: analysis of constructive and destructive potential. Sozialno-ekonomicheskie javleniya i prozessi [Socio-economic phenomena and processes]. 2012, vol. 38, iss. 4, pp. 170-176. (In Russ.). 3. Zukanov E. A. Information environment as a factor of social and moral health of a person: the author's abstract of the dissertation. 2003. Scientific library of dissertations and author's abstracts.183p. (In Russ.). 4. Emelyanov G. V., Streltsov A. A. Features of Information Society. Informazionnoe obschestvo [Information Society]. 1999, no. 2, pp. 15-17. (In Russ.). 5. A. Omkar. Spiritual Pedagogy. URL: 6. Daniel Estulin. Tavistokskij institute [Tavistock Institute] (translated by P. Smirnov). Minsk, "Popurri" Publ., 2014. 368p. (In Russ.). 7. Rezenkov D. N, Prikhodko S. S. The concept of "social turbulence" in the modern world in the concept of Russia's information security. Kultura i obschestvo: istoriya i sovremennost [Culture and Society: History and Modernity]. Materials II All-Russian (with international participation) scientific and practical conference. Stavropol. Publishing house LLC "Veteran". 2013, pp. 128-130. (In Russ.). 8. Budanov V. G. Metamorphoses of social reality of the era of change: ontology and technology. Creative searches of Israeli scientists and the world today. Digest of articles. International Center for Scientific Research and Creative Practice. Israel – Ashkelon. 2013, pp. 68-74. (In Russ.). 9. Pantin V. I. The first half of the XXI century: "the era of turbulence" in world development. Istoriya i sovremennost [History and modernity]. 2008, no. 2. pp. 3-9. (In Russ.). 10. Panchenko O. A., Panchenko L. V. Information security and information culture. Pravova informatika [Law informatics]. 2015, no. 2 (46), pp. 32-38. (In Ukr.). 11. Panchenko O. A. Informazionnaya bezopasnost rebenka [Information security of the child]: Monograph. Kiev. KVIZ Publ., 2016. 380p. (In Russ.). 12. Dobrocheev O. V. A sensible machine, or an ingenious interlocutor. URL: 13. Panchenko O. A., Banchuk N. V. Informazionnaya bezopasnost lichnosti [Information security of a person]. Kiev. KIT Publ., 2011. 672p. (In Russ.). Full-text version |
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