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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 13, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 74–80


N. O. Shushliapina


Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Article title

Analysis of the aerodynamic parameters influence of nosebreasing for diagnostics of respiratory-olfactory disorders

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. For the diagnosis of respiratory and olfactory disorderscanbe is advisable to use a quantitative assessment of the energy characteristics of nasal breathing under the action of the corresponding odorantsand the microcharacteristics of the air flow in the nasal cavity.

Objective of the study. Analysis of the influence of aerodynamic parameters of nasal breathing in the diagnosis of respiratory and olfactory disorders.

Materials and methods. A total of 45 patients with nasal septum curvature were observed. The control group consisted of 40 individuals without disturbing the function of nasal breathing. The average age of patients was in the range of 25–60 years. For the study, the methods of cone-beam computed tomography of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, posterior active rhinomanometry and computed olfactometry with recording of the energy indices of nasal breathing under the action of the corresponding odor vectors were used.

Results. In determining respiratory olfactory disorders this method is based on an analysis of the linear discrimination model, it was found that adding aerodynamic parameters such as air flow, pressure drop, time of appearance of olfactory sensitivity and thickness of the laminar boundary layer at the walls of the nasal cavity reduces the probability of diagnostic error by 3 times (from 0, 35 to 0, 11). In this case, the greatest contribution to reducing the likelihood of error is made by air flow, the time of appearance of the olfactory sensitivity to the odorant and the thickness of the laminar boundary layer near the walls of the nasal cavity.

Conclusion. The efficiency of computer olfactometry and the study of aerodynamic characteristicsof nasal breasing at the micro level for the diagnosis of respiratory and olfactory disorders are proposed.


Olfactometry, Rhinomanometry, Nasal breathing, Laminar boundary layer


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