Content and Abstracts vol.2 iss.3 2005
Annual International Conference Computer Medicine‘2005 "Electronic Health (eHealth)", June 23–25, 2005,Kharkiv, Ukraine. ReportOriginal Articles
Health information systems
Microsoft Corporation (USA)
Your health — our care. Improvement of healthcarewith the help of the newest information technologies.A part 1
A. V. Terentieva
Automated system for supporting of medical equipment actual condition of disaster medicine medicical formations
Information technologies in clinical neurophysiology
Quantitative EEG/EP (qEEG/qEP)
Marc R. Nuwer (Chairman) (Los Angeles, CA, USA), Dietrich Lehmann (Zurich, Switzerland), Fernando Lopes da Silva(Amsterdam, Netherlands), Shigeaki Matsuoka (Kitakyushu, Japan), William Sutherling (Los Angeles, CA, USA) and Jean-Fransois Vibert (Paris, France)
IFCN Recommendations. IFCN guidelines for topographic and frequency analysis of EEGs and EPs
O. Yu. Mayorov, V. N. Fenchenko
Application of Karunen-Loev expansion for the analysis spatially — temporal EEG structures of the healthyand the sick brain
Heart rate variability (HRV)
A. V. Frolov
Heart rate variability and stability are the most important characteristics of the cardiovascular system
P. A. Garkaviy, M. I. Yabluchansky, A. V. Martynenko
Sexual peculiarities of heart rate variability indices reaction in healthy volunteers during the transition processes
Processing of biomedical signals (EEG/ECG)
V. I. Shulgin, A. V. Morozov, E. V. Volosyuk
Blind source separation technology applicationto biomedical signal processing
Images analysis
A. M. Akhmetshin, L. G. Akhmetshina
Low contrast radiological image segmentationby means of space-resonance imaging method
Information technologies in clinical practice
Analysis of the medical and biologic information
L. Ya. Vasilyev, E. B. Radzishevska, Y. E. Vikman, O.M. Gladkova,V. Z. Gertman
Usage of modern technologies for analysis of catamnesis data in patients ith breast cancer
E. Ya. Grechanina, Ju. B. Grechanina, I. V. Novikova,A. V. Hristich, T. M. Tkachova
Computer diagnostic systems in practice of genetic consultation
Example of spreadsheets application in the family doctor practice
V. Z. Sviridiuk, U. J. Guminsky, A. V. Olynitshenko,S. V. Stepanova, V. J. Shatylo
Using of modern computer technologies, anthropometry and organometry in practice of the family doctor
Telemedical technologies in healthcare management
B. A. Kobrinskiy
Information technologies for monitoring of population health condition
ІнInformation technologies in medical education
O. P. Mintser
Information problems in the medical education
Izet Masic, Ahmed Novo, Zlatan Masic
Learning from the distance in medical education at university of Sarajevo
Medical informatics.
Debatable club
B. Yu. Dobrin
Consciousness and memory from medical informatics point of view, genesisof the "paranormal phenomena"
The legislation
The Concept of the state Program of Healthcare informationfor 2006–2010Anniversaries
Ozar Mintser — 65 anniversaryLev Raskin — 70 anniversaryScientific Societies of Medical Informatics
The Ukrainian Association "Computer Medicine" (UACM) – 2005European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI)Medical Informatics, Events, Conferences
World Congress Medinfo-2007, AustraliaCalendar of Conferences, Congresses on 2005–2006New books
New books on medical informatics, statistics and epidemiology, diagnostics computer methodsAbstracts
Annual International Conference Computer Medicine‘2005 "Electronic Health (eHealth)" A part 1