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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 54-64


Roman M. Baevsky


State Science Centre of Russian Federation — Institute of Medicobiological Problems of Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russian Federation

Article title

The analysis of heart rate variability: history and philosophy, theory and practice

Abstract (resume)

In the article the different aspects of heart rate variability method are considered. In historical aspect the role of domestic scientists in development of this method is based. The philosophical aspect is devoted to a role of this method in development of the doctrine about health and illnesses. In theoretical section new biocybernetic approach to analysis of heart rate variability is considered. The practical examples of usage of this method in space medicine are given in substantiation of this approach. An estimation of efficiency of cardiovascular diseases treatment by non pharmacological methods is described.


heart rate variability, history, philosophy, theory


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