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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 189-196


T. F. Mironova, V. A. Mironov, Y. S. Shamurov, I. M. Utochkina, A. V. Kalmykova, V. L. Kodkin, A. N. Tarasov, E. V. Davydova, M. V. Mironov, A. M. Dubel


Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy, Russian Federation

Article title

Clinical analysis of heart rate variability and its apparatus-program equipment

Abstract (resume)

Purpose of studies during 20 years in Chelyabinsk medical academy were researches and development of rhythmocardiography (RCG) method for heart rate variability (HRV) clinical analysis, adapted to condition of the practical cardiology, hardware apparatus-program complex (APK) for it and approbation both in non-nosological cardiodiagnosis. RCG was working out on the background of database in 42300 disease cases and 14-s year's experience of the RCG using in practical medicine. Also APK CAP-RC-01-"Micor" was created and produced, as well as HRV analysis with evaluation wave structure of the temporary interval between heart systoles in patients with different forms of cardiovascular pathology. The main requirements were substantiated to hardware-program complex for HRV analysis. It was proved the broad possibilities of high-resolution HRV analysis for evaluation of the peripheral regulation of the pacemaker sinus node activity, which has different variants, depended on the disease pathogenesis.


heart rate variability, clinical analysis, apparatus-program equipment, variants of using


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