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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 208-212


V. I. Shulgin1, A. V. Pechenin1, V. V. Fedotenko1, K. V. Nasedkin1, I. V. Lahno2


1"XAI MEDICA", National aerospase University "KhAI" named M. E. Zhukovsky, Kharkiv, Ukraine

2Kharkiv National University named V. N. Karazin, Ukraine

Article title

Blind source separation technology application to fetal electrocardiogram extraction

Abstract (resume)

The purpose of the work is development of effective fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) extraction algorithm on the base of a blind source separation technology.

Application of the proposed algorithm assumes a digital processing of the electrocardiogram recorded from the mother body surface. This algorithm was tested by more then 30 ECG-records of CardioLab and CardioCE cardiographs.

The results of the work showed that the application of preprocessing in combination with blind source separation technology make it possible to produce high-quality FECGG extraction in 90% cases.


fetal ECG extraction, Blind Source Separation (BSS), Independent Component Analysis (ICA), CardioLab, CardioCE


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