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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 240-244


A. V. Vladzymyrskyy, V. G. Klymovytskyy


R&D Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Donetsk State Medical University named after M. Gorky, Donetsk, Ukraine

Article title

Main stages and results of teleconsultation in clinical practice resume_en=

Offered standartisation of some stages of teleconsultation, research of results of application of different kinds of teleconsultation in clinical practice. Carried out 209 teleaconsultations. Internet-technologies to synchronous and asynchronous teleconsultation were applied. Were developed algorithm of a choice of telemedical technology and indications to realization of clinical teleconsultation. For clinical teleconsultation it is expedient to use a workstation of the following set: personal computer, digital camera, dial-up Internet channel, printer. In daily clinical practice it is most expedient to use asynchronous informal and formal teleconsultation on the basis of Internet-technologies and synchronous consultation under the circuit "ICQ + e-mail". The accuracy of diagnostics of various traumas and diseases by digital data reaches 88%. The efficiency of use of the recommendations of the distant advisers makes 88,3%.

Abstract (resume)

The article sheds the light upon problem usage of topographic approach for study of the human anatomy relative to creation computerrbased virtual modeling of human internal organs, as well as propositions of future investigations and further progress in teaching of clinical anatomy are presented.


telemedicine, teleconsultation, treatment, diagnostics


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