DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 6, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 64-68 Author(s) S. M. Alkhimova, V. P. Yatsenko Institution(s) Interuniversity medicoengineering faculty, National Technical University Of Ukraine "KPI", Kiev Article title Method of moments for measuring perfusion parameters (review) Abstract (resume) In recent years, perfusion СТ achieved high accuracy in the estimating the values of studied tissue perfusion parameters. Several mathematical methods have been developed for analysing CT-data to obtain a perfusion parameter values, some of which have been made commercially available by the major CT vendors. The method of moments was one of the first developed technique for the measuring tissue perfusion. This technique is currently widespread used. The moment method theory, basic formulas and definitions are presented in the article. Keywords method of moments, indicator-dilution theory, perfusion computer tomography References 1. L. Axel. Cerebral Blood Flow Determination by Rapid-Sequence Computed Tomography. Radiology. vol. 137. no. 3. p.679–686 (1980). 2. Ellen G. Hoeffner, Ian Case, Rajan Jain, Sachin K. Gujar, Gaurang V. Shah, John P. Deveikis, Ruth C. Carlos, B. Gregory Thompson, Mark R. Harrigan, and Suresh K. Mukherji. Cerebral Perfusion CT: Technique and Clinical Applications. Radiology vol. 231. no. 3. p.632–644 (2004). 3. James D. Eastwood, Michael H. Lev and James M. Provenzale. Perfusion CT with Iodinated Contrast Material. American Journal of Roentgenology. vol. 180. no. 1. p. 3–12 (2003). 4. K. A. Miles and M. R. Griffiths. Perfusion CT: a worthwhile enhancement? British Journal of Radiology. vol.76. no. 904. p.220–231 (2003). 5. K. A. Miles. Brain perfusion: computed tomography applications. Neuroradiology. vol.46. suppl. 2. s.194–200 (2004). 6. Kenneth A. Miles. Perfusion imaging with computed tomography: brain and beyond. European Radiology Supplements. vol. 16. suppl. 7. M37–M43 (2006). 7. Paul Meier and Kenneth L. Zierler. On the Theory of the Indicator-Dilution Method for Measurement of Blood Flow and Volume. Journal of Applied Physiology. vol.6. no. 12. p.731–744 (1954). 8. Kenneth A Miles, Charles Andre Cuenod, Janet Husband. Multi-Detector Computed Tomography in Oncology: CT Perfusion Imaging. London, UK, Informa Healthcare (2007). 241 pages. 9. Kenneth Zierler. Indicator Dilution Methods for Measuring Blood Flow, Volume, and Other Properties of Biological Systems: A Brief History and Memoir. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. vol. 28. no. 8. p. 836–848 (2000). 10. Ken Miles, James Eastwood, and Matthias Koenig. Multi-Detector Computed Tomography in Cerebrovascular Disease: CT Perfusion Imaging. Abingdon, UK, Informa Healthcare (2007). 192 pages. 11. M. E. Valentinuzzi, L. A. Geddes and L. E. Baker. A simple mathematical derivation of the stewart-hamilton formula for the determination of cardiac output. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. vol.7. no. 3. p.277–282 (1969). 12. A. A. Konstas, G. V. Goldmakher, T.-Y. Lee, and M. H. Lev. Theoretic Basis and Technical Implementations of CT Perfusion in Acute Ischemic Stroke, Part 1: Theoretic Basis. American Journal of Neuroradiology. vol. 30. no. 4. p.662–668 (2009). 13. Isabelle Mottet, Michael J. Quast, Douglas S Dewitt, Gilbert R Hillman, Jingna Wei, David H Uhrbrock, J. Regino Perez-Polo and Thomas A Kent. NG-Nitro-L-Arginine Methyl Ester Modifies the Input Function Measured by Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism. vol. 17. no. 7. p.791–800 (1997). 14. Kenneth L. Zierler. Theoretical Basis of Indicator-Dilution Methods For Measuring Flow and Volume. Circulation Research. vol. 10. no. 3. p. 393−407 (1962). 15. Glenn T. Gobbel, Christopher E. Cann and John R. Fike. Measurement of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Using Ultrafast Computed Tomography Theoretical Aspects. Stroke. vol. 22. no. 6. p.768–771 (1991). 16. Bracewell R. The Fourier Transform and Its Applications, ed 3. San Francisco, USA McGraw-Hill Book Co (1999). 624 pages. 17. Griffiths, Matthew R. Dynamic contrast-enhanced CT in the investigation of tumour angiogenesis and haemodynamics. Queensland University of Technology, Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (2008). 194 pages. 18. Thompson, H. K., Jr, Starmer, F., Whalen, R. E., et al. Indicator transit time considered as a gamma variate. Circulation Research. vol. 14. no. 6. p.502–515 (1964). 19. Harpen M. D, Lecklitner M. L. Derivation of gamma variate indicator dilution function from simple convective dispersion model of blood flow. Medical Physics. vol. 11. no. 5. p.690–692 (1984). Full-text version |
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