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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 8, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 17-23


O. Yu. Mayorov1, 2, V. N. Fenchenko1, 3


1Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

2Institute for Medical Informatics and Telemedicine LTD, Kharkiv, Ukraine

3B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv

Article title

Method of channels and jokers in the study of bioelectrical brain activity

Abstract (resume)

A new approach of nonlinear analysis of EEG using the concept of channels and jokers is proposed. The EEG signal is found to be heterogeneous in terms of non-linear dynamics. The dynamic system of the brain undergoes significant changes, which is reflected in relatively small EEG segments, they can be visually unnoticeable. During the non-linear dynamic analysis of the EEG signal, the prior segmentation of the signal assumes that the segment is a part of the recording where the amplitude of the signal remains sufficiently high. Significant decrease of the amplitude can be evidence of the transition to the other "microstate" of the brain. In order to determine the transition to the other "microstate", an assessment of the character of the signal phase change within marked segments is proposed. The segments with the same character of the phase change form channels, within whose the studied dynamic brain system is without changes. After identification of channels, their non-linear dynamic analysis and reconstruction of the studied dynamic system are carried out. Providing the corresponding modification of the algorithms of calculations, this approach allows carrying out the non-linear dynamic analysis even in the case when only few parts of the channel are present.


EEG, deterministic chaos, reconstruction, method of channels and jokers


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