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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 9, Issue 10, 2013, Pages 59–74


I. I. Funtova, E. S. Luchitskaya I. N. Slepchenkova, A. G. Chernikova R. M. Baevsky


Institute of biomedical problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Article title

The research of functional conditions in humans during night sleep during prolonged exposure to microgravity. Space experiment "Sonocard"

Abstract (resume)

The purpose of the space experiment "Sonocard" was to develop proposals to improve the system of medical control for the cosmonauts on the basis contactless method for receiving physiological data during sleep. Space experiment "Sonocard" was conducted in 22 Russian cosmonauts in the course of 17 expeditions on the ISS during 2007–2012. It was conducted in total 302 investigations, including the preflight period — 47, during flight — 215 and during post-flight period — 40. In the course of the experiment "Sonocard" execution, the microvibrations of the cosmonauts body associated with heart rate, respiration and physical activity, were recorded by seismocardiographical method. The most important feature of conducted space experiment was a contactless method of recording the physiological functions, thus ensuring simplicity, comfort and physiologicality of research. Onboard device "Sonoсard" is the original domestic developing and it was designed as a compact unit, which was located in a breast pocket of T-shirts.

A central place at the data analysis belonged to the heart rate variability (HRV) analysis — a method to reveal the stress level and the autonomic regulation of the circulatory system. Iindicators of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of autonomic nervous system, the status of the vascular center in medulla oblongata, the activity of higher autonomic centers were calculated at HRV analysis.

Information about functional status of the various links of autonomic regulation during the night period in microgravity were received for the first using the method of contactless registration of physiological signals at different stages of space flight. A systematic study of the functional conditions during night period in the crew members of the International Space Station has been first conducted.

It is shown that in the absence of in-flight workload and psycho-emotional stress is a gradual increase in the activity of the central mechanisms of regulation of blood circulation. Typical decrease in the expressiveness of respiratory waves (HF) and increased activity of vascular center (LF) in the total HRV spectrum is marked in most cosmonauts to the end of flight.

The assessment of sleep quality under conditions of long-duration space flight has shown that sleep in flight and post-flight periods was better than before the flight in most cosmonauts. The data on the sleep quality after the work of cosmonauts in space were obtained for the first.

It is shown that these activities require a high tension of regulatory systems and lead to a significant spending of functional reserves.

The findings have both scientific and practical importance. The developed technique of evaluating the functional status and the degree of functional reserves recovery during sleep, based on contactless registration of physiological signals, is recommended for use in the practice of medical support of space missions, application in ground-based experiments, as well as for use in clinical practice and in rehabilitation medicine.


contactless registration of the physiological information, body microfluctuations, seismocardiography, autonomic regulation, heart rate variability, night sleep, quality of sleep, tension degree, restoration of the functional reserves


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