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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 13, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 52–68


O. V. Kulyk1, O. Yu. Mayorov2, 3


1Scientific-practical Center of Neurorehabilitation "Nodus", Brovary, Ukraine

2Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ukraine

3Institute of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine LTD, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Article title

Informative indicators of quantitative non-linear analysis of EEG in patients with post-comatose disorders of consciousness after severe head injury in the dynamics of its recovery

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The study is devoted to nonlinear multidimensional analysis of EEG in patients with post-traumatic post-comatose disorders of consciousness, depending on the stages of its recovery according to T. A. Dobrokhotova (1985) during the restoration treatment and rehabilitation.

The scope and methods of research. The study is based on the analysis of 220 patients with post-coma disorders of consciousness after severe head traumatic injury. Linear and nonlinear EEG analysis was performed using the software package NeuroResearcher®Innovation Suite® (modules Basic®, Spectra® and Chaos®) (Version 18.5).

Results. The paper reveals the features of the key non-linear properties of the EEG, and analyzes the little-studied and controversial issues regarding highly informative indicators that most correlate with the dynamics of the transition to higher stages of impaired consciousness syndromes.
A significant predominance of diagnostic informativity of nonlinear multidimensional EEG analysis is proved compared to traditional linear correlation and spectral analysis, especially in identifying and objectifying the signs of integrative brain activity with syndromes of repressed consciousness. The results obtained indicate a significantly higher sensitivity of this method in predicting the release to higher stages of restoration of consciousness.
Findings. To improve the performance of electroencephalographic diagnostics, as well as to increase the reliability of the EEG parameters obtained in patients with post-comatose impairment of consciousness after severe head traumatic injury, regardless of the stage of recovery of consciousness during restoration treatment and rehabilitation. It is always recommended to supplement the routine (visual) and quantitative linear analysis of qEEG on multidimensional nonlinear analysis, with mapping primarily of entropy values, dimension of neurodynamics systems (complexity), attractors' parameters, and also multifractal properties of EEG. This enhances not only the understanding of the current functional state of the brain, but also complements the diagnostics with an objective prognostic tool.


traumatic brain injury, post-comatose disorders of consciousness, EEG patterns, neurodynamics, nonlinear EEG analysis, deterministic chaos, attractor, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy


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