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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 14, Issue 15, 2019, Pages 113-122


V. V. Kalnysh


Institute for Occupational Health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

Article title

Information aspects of professional longevity

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The technological breakthrough observed in modern society has led to a significant complication of professional activities associated with a huge increase in the information load on working specialists. Therefore, it is now advisable to develop a problem associated with the manifestations of a person's individual resistance to information stress, especially in extreme conditions of activity. The state of increased psychoemotional stress arising under these conditions increases the likelihood of the operator losing his ability to solve the problem while intensifying the information load, making rational decisions at the required pace, and taking into account the specific features of information perception and processing while increasing the risk of erroneous actions.

Objective: to establish the peculiarities of the action of high information loads and the high emotional stress formed on this basis in the process of professional adaptation of an employee, whose activities are carried out in conditions with increased danger, to ensure maintenance of his high performance and professional longevity.

Results and discussion. The analysis of factors affecting the level of information load on a working person is carried out. Three directions of the formation of the information load, the level of which affects the quality of professional adaptation, are considered. Possible reasons for changing the information load during the implementation of a person's professional activity are discussed. The question is raised about the need to assess and predict the level and degree of impact of occupational load on the human body.

Conclusions. An approach is proposed that states the influence of a number of external factors of the working environment, in particular, the information load, on the level of professional adaptation of a working specialist. The factors contributing to the narrowing of the norm of professional adaptation are established. It is shown that the corridor of professional suitability of a working specialist should always be wider than the norm of professional adaptation. A list of measures to assess the level of psychophysiological professional adaptation is proposed, the use of which will help to maintain working capacity and predict the professional longevity of a working specialist.


Information load, Operator, Professional adaptation, Professional selection, Functional state assessment, Emotional stress


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