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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 14, Issue 15, 2019, Pages 141-147


N. V. Bondarev


Karazin National University of Kharkiv Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Article title

Exploration and neural network medical data analysis of patients consuming benzodiazepines

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. Mathematical models and computer technologies are becoming more and more widely used in the various fields of medicine and pharmaceutics, they are constantly being improved and demonstrate modern approaches to the interpretation of clinical research data.

Work goals. Creating grouping models for patients with mental disorders based on the methods of exploratory data analysis and neural network algorithms.

Objects and Methodology. The study used medical data from 57 patients (34 men, 23 women) who were treated with benzodiazepines for various mental disorders in 8 drug treatment centers in a Western European country during 1999–2017. Medical data analysis was conducted in the statistical software STATISTICA 12 and SPSS 23 for Windows.

Results. The next models for grouping patients with mental disorders taking benzodiazepines were created: factor model, cluster model, discriminant model, canonical model, classification tree and neural network models. Three groups of patients were identified: the first group with 8 patients, the second group with 20 patients and the third group with 29 patients. The efficiency of benzo diazepine therapy (stabilization, reduction, cessation of benzodiazepine consumption) is 87,7%. The main factor of effective therapy is the reduction of benzodiazepine consumption (57,9%). The level of predisposition of patients to dependence on benzodiazepines is 37,5% (3/8) in the first, 34,5% (10/29) in the third group, 25% (5/20) in the second group. The lowest efficacy of treating patients with benzodiazepine drugs 44,8% (comparison between the initial goal of treatment and the final result) was found in the third group of patients. Due to a longer course of treatment, patients of the first and second groups are more prone to benzodiazepine abuse. The proposed methodology for medical data analysis for patient grouping and the results obtained in this paper may be useful for psychiatrists and narcologists who are interested in optimizing modern therapeutic strategies for the treatment of mental disorders.


Benzodiazepine therapy, Benzodiazepine addiction, Exploratory data analysis, Neural network classifiers, Patient grouping


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