DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 15, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 28-34 Author(s) Y. E. Liakh1, V. G. Hurianov2, V. O. Biloshenko3, M. V. Liakh1, V. O. Melnichuk4 Institution(s) 1National University Ostroh Akademy, Ostroh, Ukraine 2Bogomolets National Medical University Kyiv, Ukraine 3Donetsk institute for Physics and Engineering named after O.O. Galkin, Kyiv, Ukraine 4Lesia Ukrainka East European National University Lutsk, Ukraine Article title Neural network analysis of mammary gland thermograms using the estimate of fractal dimension in field temperature distribution Abstract (resume) Introduction. Thermography is one of the promising additional standard methods of mammary glands screening in a large group of population. This method is considered to be suitable for widespread use due to its non-invasiveness, lack of radiation exposure and thus safety for the health of patients, accessibility to patients and high detection effectiveness of pathological changes of the mammary gland. Methods of thermograms evaluation and analysis. To identify the risk of mammary gland pathology we analyzed thermograms using 68 features, among which three indicators of general characteristics: age of the patient, minimal temperature of theMG field, size of the MG temperature field; 32 features of the relative area of temperature rise; and 33 features of thermograms characteristics according to Hurst exponent of high dimensional fractals. To analyze distribution of MG field temperature and to identify signs of thermograms associated with the risk of pathology, methods of constructing one-factor and multifactor regression models were used, as well as method of operating characteristic curves (ROC). Quantitative analysis of the thermography results. On the basis of the selected factor signs, a linear model for predicting the risk of MG pathology was built — AUC = 0,85 (95% CI 0,82–0,87) and a nonlinear model (was used a multilayer perceptron — MLP, with one hidden layer with sigmoid activation functions) for predicting the risk of MG pathology AUC = 0,89 (95% CI 0,87–0,92). A non-linear neural network model on a reduced set of traits had better (p<0,05) prognostic characteristics (AUC) than a linear model on all 68 features or a linear model on significant factor features. The prognostic characteristics of the MLP model allow to use it in order to predict the risk of a pathological process. Conclusions. To analyze mammary gland thermograms with assessment of the fractal dimension of the field temperature distribution in norm and in pathology was constructed a neural network MLP model for predicting the risk of MG pathology. 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