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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 65-73


G. G. Ivanov, H. Yu. Shehade, A. V. Turin, F. Yu. Коpilov


Department of cardiology of Research and development Center Moscow Мedical Academy named Sechenov I. M., faculty of hosrital therapy RPFU, Moscow, Russian Federation

Article title

Methods ECG of highresolution and heart rate variability in diagnostics of electrical instability of a myocardium for patients with an acute coronary syndrome

Abstract (resume)

Now for detection ill with high hazard of development of menacing life of arrhythmias are used different ECG methods: a ECG of high-resolution (ECG HR), variability of cardiac rhythm, Holter's monitoring. The speaker of indexes of datas of methods is well enough investigated in acute; subacute and remote phases of a myocardial infarction.

Are to a lesser degree investigated ECG markers of sudden cardiac death (SCD) at an ischemia of a myocardium. In this connection will convert on itself attention datas on a possibility of usage of an estimation of modifications of duration and amplitude QRS of a complex at an ischemia of a myocardium (stress-test, acute coronary set of symptoms (AСS), chronic ischemic illness of heart) on datas a ECG HR and variability of a cardiac rhythm [10]. In accessible to us to the literature we have not met enough complete datas on the speaker amplitude both time responses of a complex QRS and indexes ВСР for ill ACS.

By the purpose of the present research was the study of indexes a ECG ВР and ВСР for ill ACS for an estimation of electrical stability of a myocardium and gravity of current of disease.


heart rate variability, ACS, ECG HR


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