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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 1, 2004, Pages 90-94


M. Yu. Antomonov


Institute of Hygiene and Medical Ecology named Marzeev AMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Article title

Mathematical and informatical aspects of the analysis of environmental health information

Abstract (resume)

The problems of the mathematical and information analysis of environmental health date are stated: receptions of the information, its representation, mathematical processing, the analysis of the data and representations of results of research.

Dependence of processing methods on types of the data concerning to one the following scales is considered: nominal, rank, intervals and absolute. Variants of mutual transformations of the data and the mathematical methods comprehensible to types of the data are offered.

Classification of problems of medical-ecological researches is entered and mathematical methods which can be used for their decision are considered.


medical-ecological researches, types of the data, mathematical methods


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