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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 181-188


V. V. Gnezditsky, E. E. Henriks, V. V. Kilikovsky, O. S. Korepina


Institute of Neurology RAMS Moscow, Russian Federation

Article title

The decision rule for the estimation of the vegetative paroxysm by skin somatic response data

Abstract (resume)

Skin somatic evoked potential were examined in 33 patients with vegetative paroxysm and in 32 health subjects. For spreading practical usage of skin somatic response method in vegetative disturbance diagnosis were developed the decision rules on the base which one it's possible to determine the group persons who has the risk of vegetative paroxysm. The usage of this decision rule to examine group was demonstrated that correct refer to health subject or to patients with vegetative paroxysm was 88%. Our data allowed to recommend the investigation of vegetative EP in patients with vegetative disorders.


vegetative paroxysm, risk appearance, SSEP, decision rule


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