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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 1, Issue 2, 2004, Pages 202-207


N. I. Tsirelnikov, D. A. Evseenco


Lab. Fetallplacental Pathology, Scientific Centre of the Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy Medical Scienses, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Article title

Adaptive and pathological changes of the fetalplacental complex during intrauterine hypoxia after pregnancy complicated by obstetric and somatic deseases

Abstract (resume)

Intrauterine hypoxia leads to violation of fetal development and pathological adaptation after birth. The purpose of present study was to evaluate status of newborns cardiovascular system and peculiarities in their postnatal adaptation after acute and chronic fetal hypoxia. We observed on 140 children (age 1 day - 3 month) from mothers with normal and complicated pregnancy. Investigation included clinical, laboratories, electrocardiografic methods and also computer analysis of cardiac rhythm (CARS) and morphologic study of placenta. We determined that light acute hypoxia caused mainly functional changes in placenta and fetal organism. This newborns had high level of simpaticooadrenal activity, which normalized during several weeks. Chronic hypoxia on early studies caused structural changes in terminal villi of placenta – rise capillaries amount and area, rise amount and extent of syncitio-endothelial membranes which provided satisfactory fetal development. Severe chronic hypoxia leads to serious structural violations in placenta – dystrophy and destruction of syncitial epithelium, breach of microcirculation in terminal villi, and main fetal systems. Newborns after severe chronic intrauterine hypoxia had exhaustion of simpaticooadrenal system. This pathological reaction can be considered as a foundation for different desiases wich taked place occur in this group of children.


placenta, fetus, newborn, adaptation, hypoxia, growth retardation, computer analysis of cardiac rhythm, electrocardiography


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