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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 2, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 37-41


P. Garkaviy, M. Yabluchansky, A. Martynenko


Karazin's Kharkiv National University Scholl of Fundamental Medicine, Ukraine

Article title

Sexual peculiarities of heart rate variability indices reaction in healthy volunteers during the transition processes

Abstract (resume)

The dependence of heart rate variability (HRV) indices changes was studied during transition processes from clinostasis to orthostasis in healthy volunteers using technology of nonlinearity parameters analysis. 20 volunteers with median age 20±1,3 year were investigated. Among the HRV parameters we estimated the total power (ТР), and its components in the domains of very low frequency (VLF), low frequencies (LF), high frequencies (HF) and LF/HF ratio. The investigation was based on the method of integral approximation that was implemented on the computer electric cardiograph CardioLab+ (KhАI-medica). Patients were divided into two groups depending on sex. The data was processed with parametric and nonparametric statistics methods. The results showed that in the clinostasis ТР, VLF and HF are higher in males, LF/HF ratio is lower, and LF meanings are comparable with these in females. The dispersion of all parameters is higher in males. During the transition process ТР, VLF and LF are increasing in both sexes and HF is decreasing. The degree of the last parameter decrease is higher in males, and its dispersion is markedly lower than in females. LF/HF and its dispersion in males is increasing in a greater extent than in females. In the orthostasis ТР, VLF, LF, HF are decreasing in both sexes. ТР dispersion and LF is higher in males and VLF and HF dispersion are comparable in both sexes. LF/HF and its dispersion increases more drastically in males than in females. The most meaningful differences in HRV parameters between males and females are found during the transition processes, this indicates on the importance of their targeted analysis.


HRV, transition process, sexual peculiarities of reaction


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