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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 2, Issue 3, 2005, Pages 67-69


V. Z. Sviridiuk, U. J. Guminsky, A. V. Olynitshenko, S. V. Stepanova, V. J. Shatylo


Faculty of post-certificate formation of the doctors on a speciality "General practice — family medicine" of Vinnitsa national medical university, Zhytomir, Ukraine

Faculty of normal anatomy of Vinnitsa national medical university, Zhytomir, Ukraine

Article title

Using of modern computer technologies, anthropometry and organometry in practice of the family doctor

Abstract (resume)

In work, on an example of calculation of an index of weight of a body and differential diagnostics of various types of obesity, the advantages of use of modern computer technologies are shown at processing of dates of anthropometry with the help of the program Excel in practice of the family doctor. The advantages of computer technologies are emphasized at processing the large files of organometry of the man in norm and pathology received with the help of modern tool-hardware ways of visualization and definition of the sizes internal bodies, such as: magnetic-resonant tomography, computer tomography, angiography, ultrasonography etc.


anthropometry, organometry, computer technologies in medicine, family medicine


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