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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 6, Issue 7, 2010, Pages 89-97


V. A. Lischuk


Bakoulev Center for Cardiovascular Surgery Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

The Problem commission "Medical and biological cybernetics and informatics" Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Article title

The organization of physiological systems providing integrity of the organism

Abstract (resume)

According to the widespread conceptions the central nervous system (CNS) operates cardiovascular system (CVS) functions by changing the characteristics, for example, changing the vascular resistance, excitability of heart, elasticity etc. The research purpose is to define the management algorithm. Attitudes between functions and properties es-timations have been found in animals experiments (101 experience on dogs) and patient care (14 000 supervisions). The data analysis was taken directly during experiments in real time. At superficial anaesthesia correlation was expressed (nearby -0, 5). If anaesthesia is deep the correlation factor was no significant. The absolute value of correlation factor was less than ±0, 2. The difference was significant and reliable. These attitudes took place in experiment and in clinic. The imitation of received attitudes on model has allowed to explain them as follows. The central nervous system increases the system autoregulation opportunities with a greater regulation mistake and reduces autoregulation with a smaller mistake. From here follows, that the nervous system (except for "the central command"), does not operate independent local functional systems functions. The central nervous system organizes expedient organism functional systems interactions. The organization of these interactions equalizes the errors of functional systems autoregulation. As a result permissible disturbances could be large. This organization creates new quality - unity. Unity lies in the fact that each system ensures the viability of all systems and all systems together ensure the function of each system.


functional systems, association of systems, errors of autoregulation, integrity, equalization, organization


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