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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 7, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 10-15


I. Khayimzon, E. Bondarchuck


Vinnitsia National Pyrogov Memorial Medical University, Ukraine

Article title

The electrophysiological model of the heart (virtual heart)

Abstract (resume)

An electrophysiological model of the heart (virtual heart) was developed by PureMedSim, the existing technology of computer simulation of vital processes in human organs and systems. This model of the heart provides an opportunity to observe and study the heartbeat pattern in real time, including all necessary cellular mechanisms: generation of bio-potential actions of individual cells in different sections of the heart, changes in the ion content of specific cells in specific sections of the heart and the corresponding state of the ion channels of this cell, generation of the real time electrocardiogram, mechanisms of emergence of rhythm disturbances.


computer modelling in medicine, medical simulators, electrophysiology


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