DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 7, Issue 8, 2011, Pages 93-97 Author(s) L. A. Perekhoda, V. A. Georgiyants Institution(s) National university of pharmacy, Kharkiv Ukraine Article title Definition of correlation "structure–anticonvulsant activity" of the derivatives of 1-aryl-4-R-5-methyl (amino)-1, 2, 3-tryazol(1Н) Abstract (resume) The computer forecast and the researches of anticonvulsant activity of three groups of derivatives 1-aryl-4-R-5-methyl-(амино)-1, 2, 3-tryazol(1Н), which were synthesized before, are conducted. Physical and chemical parameters are calculated and the correlation analysis for the purpose of revealing of dependence on them of size anticonvulsant activity in the most perspective group — the anilides 1-aryl-5-methyl-1, 2, 3-tryazol(1Н)-4-carboxylic acids is carried out. The conducted researches show that among of the anilides 1-aryl-5-methyl-1, 2, 3-tryazol(1Н)-4-carboxylic acids statistically significant dependence of the anticonvulsant activity from a refraction and density index is observed. A mathematical ground of search of anticonvulsant agents is perspective enough in this group of substanses. Keywords correlation analysis, physical and chemical parameters, anticonvulsant activity, 1, 2, 3-tryazol References Full-text version |
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