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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 8, Issue 9, 2012, Pages 24-29


Yu. E. Lyakh, Yu. G. Vykhovanets V. I. Ostapenko, V. G. Gurjanov A. N. Cherniak


Donetsk national medical university named after M. Gorky, Ukraine

Article title

Stabilometric criterions in prediction of functional condition of the person

Abstract (resume)

The purpose of researches was study and evaluation of maintenance of vertical pose mechanisms in various conditions of the sensory control and building on this basis of model of functional condition prediction. The physiological, biophysical and mathematical methods of researches were used. In an outcome of mathematical modelling is determined, that the prediction of functional condition of the person can implement on basis of stabilometric parameters: lengths of stabilograms in researches with the closed eyes, power of oscillations spectrum on frequencies 0, 5, 1, 5 and 3, 5 Hz in testing with the closed eyes, power of oscillations spectrum on frequency 1, 5 Hz in testing with opened eyes.


functional condition, stabilometry, neural network model


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