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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 9, Issue 10, 2013, Pages 9–12


B. Ledoshchuk, M. Ledoshchuk


SI "National Research Center for Radiation Medicine NAMS Ukraine", Kyiv

Article title

The concept of creation and development of information systems at the National Research Center for Radiation Medicine NAMS of Ukraine for the period from 2012 to 2020

Abstract (resume) Concept creation and development of information systems in NТСRM the period from 2012 to 2020 defines the purpose, principles, common architecture, the basic steps of creating an information system, management mechanism and resources for the creation and maintenance of systems, and the expected scientific, medical, organizational, technological and socioeconomic impact.


NRCRM, information systems, monitoring, registers, databases, analysis and integration of information systems, hardware and software


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