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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 9, Issue 10, 2013, Pages 25–32


G. G. Ivanov1, 2, 3, R. M. Baevskiy3, Ghazi Halabi2, E. J. Bersenev3, V. B. Rusanov3


1Cardiology department of Moscow Medical Academy of I. M. Sechenova Russia

2Chair of hospital therapy of Russian University of People Friendship, Moscow

3Institute of biomedical problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Article title

Minute, circadian and seasonal fluctuations of microalternations of an electrocardiogram-signal according to dispersive mapping

Abstract (resume)

The method of an electrocardiogram dispersive mapping (ECG DM is connected with studying low amplitude fluctuations of an electrocardiograms signal. A basis of these fluctuations infringements of ionictransport function, structure of cellular membranes and mitochondrial power formations, infringements of microcirculation and a number of other factors. Character and degree of change of microalternations is new diagnostic area of the signs reflecting "stock" electrophysiological compensatory resources of a myocardium. Research of minute, daily and seasonal rhythms of indicators of the dispersive analysis of an electrocardiogram (electrocardiogram recreation centre) opens new possibilities for not invasive studying of processes at moleculo-cellular level of the live system organization.

In these publication materials on monitoring of ECG dispersive mapping for the first time are represented. Transition from one measuring cycle to repeated consecutive measurement of microalternations, to their monitoring, is technologically new procedure and has no analogues. In article results of three series of the researches accordingly devoted to studying of the minute, daily and annual periodical press of an integrated indicator "Myocardium" are presented. The data of 33 healthy people and 74 patients with a sharp heart attack of a myocardium have been included. In 1st series of researches for the analysis of microalternations in a monitor mode of minute. In the 2nd and 3rd series of researches materials of experiment "MARS-500" which was spent at Institute of bio-medical problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the purpose of modelling of work of crew at flight to Mars have been used. 6 verifiers within 520 days were in it in hermochamber, simulating the interplanetary ship, and as control groups almost healthy people-volunteers in various regions were simultaneously investigated. All participants of experiment it was monthly spent an DM ECG. Besides in 3th series of researches the data received by employees of the Russian University of People Friendship in Beirut (51 the healthy person and 138 patients) has been used.

The most interesting are results is presence of seasonal rhythms of indicators of ECG DM at verifiers, long time being in hermochamber, in the conditions of isolation. This fact is very important as shows presence of distinct seasonal microfluctuations of an electrocardiogram of a signal at the verifiers protected from direct influence of factors of environment, including from climatic influences. Hence, it is possible to believe that seasonal changes of electrophysiological characteristics of a myocardium are caused by "operating signals", arising in an organism (the endogen mechanism) that specifies in the internal nature of the revealed fluctuations. The Establishment of this new fact expands our representations about the biological organization of a control system in a live organism and can be carried to fundamental results of research


dispersive mapping of electrocardiograms, seasonal biological rhythms, an indicator "Myocardium", electrophysiological indicators monitoring, experiment "Mars-500"


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