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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 9, Issue 10, 2013, Pages 97-101


V. V. Bokatueva


Ukrzaliznytsia's Central Hospital, Kharkiv

Article title

Evaluation structure of interrelation of clinical indexes of cardioembolic stroke patients with favourable and fatal outcome

Abstract (resume)

The results of the evaluation of interrelations characteristics of clinical indexes of cardioembolic stroke patients, with favourable and fatal outcome are presented. Thosе ware obtained using correlation and factor analysis. In the group of the deceased patients 11 significant correlations between researched indexes are detected, and in the group of survived there are 18 of them. That indicates significant tension of researched systems and mobilization of internal body reserves which contributed to the favourable outcome of disease. It has been established that level of neurological deficit among surviving patients is higher during permanent fibrillations of auricles, and ejection fraction is higher during persistent. Brain lesion focuses on the group of surviving patients in 92% of cases were localized in the blood supply pool of left and right medial cerebral arteries, such localization has been changed at 96% of cases in deceased patients' group. A significant difference in occurrence frequency of different lesion focuses localization between groups of survived and deceased patients has not been found.

Analysis of interrelations features between indexes in factor structures has showed that in the case of survived patients the main role in stroke occurrence and degree of neurological deficit the age of patients and presence of attendant pathology have played, while in the group of deceased attendant pathology has an influence on the indexes of cordial vascular system.


cardioembolic stroke, auricular fibrillation, ejection fraction, lesion focus


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