DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 10, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 61–65 Author(s) O. P. Strakhova, A. A. Ryzhov Institution(s) Zaporizhja State Medical University, Ukraine Article title Statistical analysis the index of human functional state in ergatic system "human–computer" Abstract (resume) Introduction. Modern learning process is designed for the widespread use of computers. Such ergatic learning environment can have the influence at the changes in the students' functional state. Purpose. To establish such an influence, and what are its quantitative indicators. Results. Statistical processing of the study results revealed significant changes of monitored parameters at a person's functional state after class held in ergatic learning environment. Conclusion. Is established a significant correlation between electrocutaneous characteristics microzones changes and the parameters of heart rate variability and upper limbs rheovasography Keywords Electrocutaneous characteristics of micro-zones, Heart rate variability, Upper limbs rheovasography, Statistical analysis, Correlation. References 1. Zlepko S. M., Mintser O. P. etc. Suchasnі metodi і zasobi dlya viznachennya i dіagnostuvannya emotsіynogo stresu [Modern methods and tools for identifying and diagnosing emotional stress]. Vinnitsa, 2011, 214 p. (In Ukr.). 2. Mashin V. A. Mental load, mental stress and functional status of operators of control systems. Voprosy Psihologii [Questions of Psychology], 2007, iss. 6, pp. 86–96. (In Russ.). 3. Baevsky R. M., Kudryavtseva V. I. Features heart rate regulation during mental work. Fiziologia cheloveka [Human Physiology], 1975, vol. 1, iss. 2, pp. 296–301. (In Russ.). 4. Baevsky R. M., Kirilov O. I., Kletskin S. Z. Matematicheskiy analiz izmeneniy serdechnogo ritma pri stresse [Mathematical analysis of heart rate changes during stress], M., Nauka Publ., 1984, 221 p. (In Russ.). 5. Kalnish V. V., Pyshnov G. Yu. Unity changes in the functional state of the organism employed in the development of fatigue. Ukrainskiy zhurnal z problem meditsini pratsі [Ukrainian Journal of the problems of Occupational Medicine], 2012, iss. 1, pp. 5–66. (In Russ.). 6. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po analizu variabelnosti serdechnogo ritma. Kompyuternaya sistema otsenki dinamiki izmeneniya funktsionalnogo sostoyaniya cheloveka [Guidelines on the analysis of heart rate variability. Computer evaluation system dynamics changes in the functional state of the person]. HAI-Medika, Kharkiv, 2009, 122 p. (In Russ.). 7. ReoKom dlya WINDOWS XP. Kompyuternaya sistema reografii [ReoCom for WINDOWS XP computer rheography system], HAI-Medika, Kharkiv, 2009, 140 p. (In Russ.). 8. Nakatani Y., Yamashyta K. Ryodoraku Akupuncture. Japan. Tokyo, 1977, 120 p. 9. Nechushkin A. I., Gaidamakina A. M. Standard method of vegetative test CITO Registration Certificate of the Ministry of Health N 108/30 of 27.05.77. 10. Strakhova O. P., Rizhov O. A. Estimation of psychophysiological state student by definition ESC in points-sources. V sb. Medychna informatyka ta inzheneria. 2010. N 1. P. 33–39. (In Ukr) Full-text version |
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