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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 10, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 89–94


S. B. Pavlov, N. M. Babenko, M. V. Kumechko


Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Article title

Using markers of atypical cells for evaluating adaptive capabilities

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. To investigate the functional state of the organism in the range between normality and pathology is necessary to determine the parameters describing adaptive capabilities, and find a way to adequately handle these indicators. Therefore, the selection of marker, reflecting a violation of regulation processes at the molecular level is crucial.

Formulation of the problem. When exposed to the body of damaging factors include protective-compensatory mechanisms of adaptation, in case of failure of which, are created the conditions for the transition of the pathological process on the higher levels of the organization. This promotes the formation of substances with new antigenic properties. Therefore, as indicators of adaptive responses may be used biomarkers of atypical cells.

The object of the study is to explore the use of biomarkers of atypical cells on the example of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) as a criterion for reducing adaptation reserves at the molecular and cellular levels.

Study results. Was estimated probability of failure of compensatory mechanisms at the molecular and cellular levels, leading to a decrease in functional reserves. The method of quantifying estimation adaptive capacity of the organism has been proposed.

Conclusions. The proposed model of quantifying estimation adaptive capacity of the organism using biomarkers of atypical cells can be used to estimate the decrease of reserves adaptation at the molecular and cellular levels in any group.


Markers of atypical cells, Adaptive capabilities, Compensatory mechanisms, Functional reserves


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