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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 10, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 100–105


S. A. Kutsenko, О. V. Kutovaya, I. V. Kovalevskaya, O. A. Ruban


National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Article title

Application of mathematical planning the selection for filling capsules "Venoton"

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. One promising area of application of herbal medicines is the treatment of chronic diseases as herbal therapy, provide security, and polyvalence chemical composition allows them to compensate for the pathological processes associated underlying disease. In recent years, increasing attention is paid to the development of ready-to-eat products from plant material. The creation of such drugs can increase the yield of biologically active substances from raw materials and thus increase their interest in the concentration of herbal remedies, as well as improve the therapeutic benefit of the accuracy of dosing. Furthermore, when using the finished dosage form provides convenience of use and storage.

Purpose. Determination of the optimal composition of capsules with complex tincture "Venoton".

Results and discussion. The study established physico-chemical and technological parameters of granules with different content of tinctures. Using regression analysis was established relationship between the reviews, which were investigated. The coefficients were calculated using the method of least squares mathematical package MathCad. Based on the plots of the quality indicators was obtained granules region required values pharmaco-technological parameters for establishing optimum ratio tincture/filler.

Conclusions. As a result of the calculations, which were carried out with the help of mathematical package MathCad, found that the optimal content of tinctures is 1:3.


Mass encapsulation, Mathematical planning, Composition


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