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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 10, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 106–111


K. A. Lyuhanova, I. V. Timanyuk, Z. M. Mnushko


National university of pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Article title

Application of chaotic neural networks for clustering regions of Ukraine in terms of providing antithrombotic medicines

Abstract (resume)

Purpose. Because of global increase in the number of cases of cardiovascular disease, one of the possibilities to prevent their occurrence is prevention. At the same time intensifies the economic inequality of Ukrainian regions, which effects on the availability of antithrombotic medications for the population. Based on this the purpose of research became creation of a chaotic neural network for clustering of Ukrainian regions in terms of consumption of medicines. System developed for antithrombotic drugs as medicines that are using to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Methods. We use the methods of logic, system analysis and synthesis, computer assessment, the aggregate of which provided a holistic approach to the study of the problem.

Results. Established during the study the chaotic neural network allows us to solve the problem of typology data. It secretes from the primary chaos some unique order that inherent only for given input set of objects and has great computing capability and resistance to error. It also solves the problem of clustering having constant elements and does not require additional data processing. Developed chaotic neural network can be successfully used in pharmaceutical practice, both among the scientists and pharmaceutical manufacturers and suppliers.

Discussions. Thus, we can conclude that the regions that have fallen into the cluster IV and V require increased attention. Because this situation indicates that for population of these areas, antithrombotic medicines have a low availability. It is also possible to assume that the biggest factor of influence on availability of medicines is their price. That is why the next stage of research should be dedicated on the analysis of the price availability of medicines in the regions of Ukraine.


Chaotic neural networks, Clustering, Antithrombotic medicines


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