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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 11, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 5–12


A. E. Gorban


Ukrainian centre of scientific medical information and patent-license provision of Ministry of Health Care of Ukraine (Ukrmedpatentinform), Kiev

Article title

Rationale for the establishment and development conceptual principles of automated information system of registration and monitoring of innovation in the sphere of health care of Ukraine

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. Scientifically substantiated the need for a specialized information system for recording and monitoring of innovation in the sphere of health care of Ukraine.

Objective. Justification of the concepts and principles of construction of the automated information system for registration and monitoring of innovation in the sphere of health care of Ukraine.

Results and discussion. The basic principles that should meet specialized information system of registration and monitoring of innovative medical information. These include the principles of systematic, development, dynamism, compatibility, standardization and efficiency, data security and others, which together provide effective management of innovation. A functional block diagram of an information system, the requirements to populate the database are propose.

Conclusion. The necessity of the development of specialized information system of registration and monitoring of innovative activity in the sphere of health care of Ukraine substantiated. Defined conceptual principles of such a system, developed methodological basis for building forecasting models effectiveness of innovation, the creation of an automated analytical reviews and reports.


Innovative activity in medicine, The system of accounting and monitoring of innovation in medicine, The conceptual basis of the construction of information system.


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