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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 11, Issue 12, 2015, Pages 50–56


T. V. Sergeev, N. B. Suvorov, P. I. Tolkachov, A. V. Belov


Institute of Experimental Medicine of the North-West Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, St. Petersburg

Article title

Influence of complex postural loadings on human heart rate

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. It is known from the literature that the physiological effects of postural loads (PL) are ambiguous and sometimes contradictory. Physiological base of such reactions are not fully known, especially in complex movements of a human body.

Objective. To study an influence of dynamically changing of a human body position in three-dimensional space on heart rate variability (HRV).

Methods. A computerized system was used to the control of dynamic PL. Evaluation of an examinee condition was carried out by the recording and analysis of HRV.

Results. The received data show a regular changes of cardiac rhythm indicators during and after of dynamic postural loads. All options of the procedures are controlled by a computer program. The program analyzed the heart rhythm taking into consideration the movements of the body in three-dimensional space. The certain positive hemodynamic reactions can be achieved due to the dynamic postural effects.


Postural dynamic effects, Heart rate, HRV


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