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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 12, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 20–29


V. V. Kalnysh


Institute for occupational health of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev

Article title

Principles of the functioning of the human organization organism in work with high danger

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. Objective existence for a number of occupations with an increased danger of a complex of powerful information-related factors, harmful by nature, makes an actual the detailed consideration of their influence on the human body and requires additional attraction of approaches aimed at analyzing the action of "extreme" mechanisms of interaction of the organism with the environment. When clarifying the impact of such mechanisms, it is important, first of all, to formulate a number of principles - key initial concepts based on the fundamental principles of biological and medical science.

Objective. Discussion of the role of "extreme" principles, explaining the mechanisms of the functioning of the human body in conditions of the action of intensive information factors of the working environment.

Results. The "optimality principle" is formulated, which identifies the zone of acceptable levels of optimal functioning of the organism, the deviation from which indicates the action of extreme environmental factors on the organism. A number of principles are considered ("survival principle", "minimization principle of suddennesses", "minimization principle of energy expenditures", "principle of entropy change", "principle of necessary diversity"), whose action is manifested in extreme conditions of the working environment by connecting additional physiological mechanisms that contribute to counteraction their influence. Physiological mechanisms that determine activity when working under conditions of increased danger are systemic in nature and act in combination with mechanisms, functioning in a comfortable environment.


labor activity, extreme environmental conditions, principles of the functioning of the organism, information factors, functional reserves.


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