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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 12, Issue 13, 2017, Pages 7–13


I. Y. Revуаtskуу1, N. A. Prylypko2


1Lviv National Medical University named by Danylo Galitsky, Lviv. 2Odessa National Medical University, Odessa.

Article title

Тhe analysis of potential use of electronic on-line catalogues of scientific libraries of Ukraine as a sourge of statistical information about scientific research in medicine

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The Institutions and their employees carry out scientific research activities which provide information about the research in qualitative and quantitative forms with references to published research results in periodic reports. The process of forming such reports is not automated. There is no publicly accessible centralized storage of information, that's why each periodic generation of statistical data is hierarchical - starting at the bottom of the link.

Materials and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of available queries in online search engines, electronic catalogues (EC) of scientific libraries (SL) of Ukraine. We worked with different and available in EC selection criteria, information about bibliographic descriptions (BD) in medical scientific papers.

The purpose of the work. Analyzing the possible use of databases in EC of SL of Ukraine which are available in open online access for automatically receiving statistical and qualitative information about made scientific research on various criteria for its selection.

The results of the study. It's established that there are only four EC in open online access containing information about research in medicine. They have identical search mechanism, which is implemented not on the basis of the database identifiers but in text format leading to the unification of all unrelated information. That's why it's impossible to identify the authors as individuals and to select only results from a specific author in these ECs. The information in EC of BD scientific work is incomplete, but sometimes it's also redundant because of extra not needed information given by the results of the search for meaning. Only EC of National scientific library named after V. Stefanik contains electronic copies of published research papers.

Conclusion. It is proved that the database can't be used by scientists as a source of full and reliable information about their scientific works, but the information is given according to the current standard of formation of BD.


bibliography of scientific publications, statistics, relational database.


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