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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 13, Issue 14, 2018, Pages 11–18


G. Pezentsali


International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine and Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Ukraine, Kyiv

Article title

The international standards harmonization and the models design for organizing of e-prescription workflow

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. In order to ensure the appropriate e-prescription workflow, it is necessary to agree on the basic requirements for the e-prescriptions' information that would be identified by the information systems involved in the workflow. Toward the specifying of the requirements, it is right to take into account the global experience in this field.

Formulation of the problem. Methodology. There needs to choose international information standards appropriate to the e-prescriptions in order to global experience usage. There needs to prepare the projects of the corresponding harmonized national standards. In order to apply standards' regulations for the implementation of e-prescriptions workflow, there needs to design and describe the models of the objects of business processes and the electronic environment structure for e-prescription workflow.

The object of the study. These are the regulations, which have met the International Standards for e-Prescriptions, also the basic e-prescriptions workflow models built on these regulations.

Study results. The projects of the harmonized national information standards for the e-prescriptions and for the medicinal product dictionary systems have been prepared. The models based on the regulations have been designed. It is the model of objects and relations for the medicinal product prescribing to the patient. These are the model of the basic target process and the model of the workflow of medicinal product prescribing–dispensing–administration. It is the model for the e-prescription workflow in the environment. It is the base environment structure. The scenario list, which concerns to the process, also the e-prescriptions' statuses, the certain components of workflow environment's that based on controlled medical dictionary systems, also the events and signals within the environment have been proposed base from the models.

Conclusion. The models have been designed in accordance with considered standards. These models are applicable to the implementation of e-prescriptions' workflow. The basic directions for further development of e-prescriptions workflow environment have been determined. It emphasized that the medicinal product dictionary systems shall be used for the updating and coordinating of information and for medical product representation on the different abstraction levels.


Health informatics Standards, An e-prescription, Medicinal product dictionary systems, Medicinal product prescribing, Models for e-prescriptions, An environment for e-prescription workflow


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