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ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 14, Issue 15, 2019, Pages 74-87


Yu. Bataeva2, V. Kirichenko1, T. Kulbashevskaya1, V. Sergeev1


1National Aerospace University "KhAI", Kharkiv

2National Medical University "KhNMU", Kharkiv

Article title

Evaluation of endothelial function, taking into account the position of the endothelial regulation "operating point"

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The article continues the analysis of a non-invasive method for the study of arterial vascular tone endothelial regulation, based on recording and processing the ographical signals in the tests with endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent vasodilation. The possibility of using additional information parameters minimizing the error of endothelial function evaluation is being considered.

Objective. Consideration of influence of the arterial vascular tone central regulation features on the endothelial function assessment, the choice and justification of information parameters that minimize the influence of the endothelial regulation "operating point" on the endothelial function assessment.

Results. A method is proposed for minimizing the influence of the arterial vascular tone central regulation features on the endothelial function assessment, using data about postocclusive vasoconstriction of the arterial vessels in the reactive hyperemia test, that occurs immediately after removal of the occlusion.

Conclusions. To improve the accuracy of the endothelial function assessment, along with taking into account of the central hemodynamic parameters changes and changes of the arterial vascular tone central regulation system parameters during the reactive hyperemia test, it is necessary to take into account the endothelial regulation "operating point" position on the background part of the test.


Endothelial function evaluation, Rheographic data, Sources of error, D. Celermajer method, Endothelial regulation "operating point"


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