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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 14, Issue 15, 2019, Pages 123-130


O. A. Panchenko 1, 2, A. V. Kabantseva 3, V. G. Antonov 1, I. O. Serdyuk 1


1State Institution "Scientific-Practical Medical Rehabilitating-Diagnostic Center of the Ukrainian Ministry of Health"

2Ukrainian Professional Psychiatric League

3Higher Educational Institution "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management"

Article title

Information support of traffic safety

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. Effective support for road safety in today's realities is impossible without the involvement of information and communication innovations.

Objective. Research of the information aspect of road safety support.

Study results. The problems of traffic injuries in Ukraine are considered. A five-factor model of the road safety system "person–car–road–environment, information space" is proposed. It is emphasized that the main role in the system belongs to the person, but he is the least reliable element of it. Four directions of information support of road safety, which are realized or can be implemented in modern realities, as well as taking into account the latest achievements in the field of information and communication technologies, are proposed:
•  increase of reliability of professional activity of drivers,
•  technical solutions implementing active safety systems,
•  organizational and technical measures for road safety,
•  information-analytical system for control and management of road safety.
The author's vision of the psychodiagnostics structure of reliability of the driver professional activity, as well as suggestions on creation of the corresponding hardware and software complex, are presented.

Conclusion. A model of a comprehensive road safety system, where the information component is crucial in many aspects of its functioning, is proposed


traffic safety, information support, information space, driver reliability diagnostics model, hardware and software complex


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