DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 15, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 15-27 Author(s) V. N. Sokolov, L. V. Anischenko, A. S. Byanov, O. V. Nikitina Institution(s) Odessa National Medical University, Ukraine Article title Community acquired pneumonia. Differential diagnosis. COVID-19 Abstract (resume) Introduction. The paper presents the results of X-ray examination of patients with lung lesions caused by diseases and computed tomography (CT) of patients with COVID-19 of varying degrees of infiltration according to the categorical CT scheme from CO-RADS 1 to CO-RADS 6, developed by the Dutch Radiological Society (NVvR). Good results can be achieved by detecting the early stage of the disease in COVID-19. The work considers indications, contraindications, methodology and interpretation, at different phases of infiltration in COVID-19. Objective. To review the dynamic models of CT imaging of lungs affected by COVID-19, to define CT character of primary and postprimary infection and discuss the role of imaging in differential diagnostics and monitoring of the pathology. Materials and research methods. 85 patients (the median of 48 y.o. to the 17 to 84 y.o. range) were examined. All patients underwent CT procedure ("Toshiba Corp." 64-sl. CT). Results. At an early stage bilateral basal peripheral changes of the "ground glass" type opacity, generally of minuscule area, predominate which precurse development of viral pneumonia in COVID-19. As the disease progresses areas of change in the tissue appear patterned according to the type of "patchwork", consolidation areas form resembling OP "reverse halo". Complete resorption of changes in lungs is likely. Resolution of pathological changes could be observed after a month and longer with a successful outcome. Conclusion. At the stage of the outbreak progression the role of CT imaging methods in assessing the condition of lungs could not be overestimated. They provide means to identify changes at the subclinical stage, to assess the severity of the course and conduct differential diagnostics, but also to inform about the likelihood of COVID-19 when PCR testing results are lacking. The role of CT is indeed prevailing in clinical conditions of limited resources and while coping with a large patient cohort with acute respiratory diseases of undefined aetiology. Keywords Differential diagnosis, CT examination, COVID-19, CO-RADS scheme References 1. Dvoretsky L. I. Outside hospital-acquired pneumonia in the elderly. Antibiotic therapy strategy and tactics. Pul'monologiya [Pulmonology], 2001, no. 4, pp. 91–95. (In Russ.). 2. Kotlyarov P. M. Radiation diagnosis of acute pneumonia in clinical practice. Pul'monologiya [Pulmonology], 1997, no. 1, pp. 7–13. (In Russ.). 3. Lapteva I. M. Atypicalpneumonia. 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