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Inventory reference

ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 15, Issue 16, 2020, Pages 142-147


N. I. Necheporenko, T. V. Peresypkina, T. P. Sidorenko


GA "Institute of Children and Adolescent Health Protection", Kharkiv, Ukraine

Article title

Use of innovative computer technologies in providing health monitoring of children and adolescents of school age

Abstract (resume)

Introduction. The current achievements of modern science are the use of specialized automated systems and applications in various fields of medicine. In the current context of health care reform, the burden on health workers who provide medical care to school-age children is growing.

The purpose of the work. With the declining level of children's health, the system of optimizing the monitoring of children's health and their physical development is becoming an urgent issue.

Results. The proposed program is based on MS Access, VBA programming language. Designed for a comprehensive automatic assessment of physical development of students on the basis of anthropometric and physiometric indicators, functional capabilities of the body and the data of medical examination. The program provides the possibility of longitudinal observation (accumulation of data) on the health and physical development of students of an educational institution or classroom during the entire period of study of students. The result of the program is the formation of reports that describe the results of medical examinations to determine the proportion of students, physical or sexual development, visual or hearing acuity which meets or does not meet the normative age. Also, students who need further counseling from specialists in various fields are identified.

Conclusions. The use of the proposed software will help to improve the organization of medical care by increasing the effectiveness of health monitoring and optimizing the work of health care workers or educational institutions.


Medical examinations, Database, Software packages, Children's health


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