DOI: Inventory reference ISSN 1812-7231 Klin.inform.telemed. Volume 16, Issue 17, 2021, Pages 00-00 Author(s) M. V. Bilous1, Ryzhov O. A.2 Institution(s) 1Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Куіv, Ukraine 2Zaporizhzhia State Medical University, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine Article title Methodological approach to optimization of flow processes in the logistic network of medical supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of the Joint Forces Operation Abstract (resume) Introduction. Currently, the issues of optimizing the logistics of medical support for military and medical units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which are involved in the operation of the Joint Forces, are crucial, since Ukraine is a state of armed conflict with illegal armed formations controlled by the Russian Federation. Aim of the work. Search and justification of methodological approach to optimization of flow processes in the logistics network of medical supply of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to ensure the required level of efficiency and quality of medical supply for military and medical units involved in conducting the Joint Forces Operation. Materials and Methods of Research. To achieve the research aim, foreign and domestic scientific literature, current regulatory and legal framework of Ukraine were analyzed. Research methods were information search, systematization, content analysis, comparison and generalization. Results and Discussion. It is proposed to use logistic network visual and optimization models to assess the components of the logistics system and optimize its efficiency in the area of the Joint Forces Operation, directly in the theater of operations. Based on the analysis of literary sources and generalization of the experience of medical support the hostilities in the east of Ukraine, the basic principles of logistics supply for military and medical units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine involved in conducting the Joint Forces Operation are formalized. So, the main logistic principle is the reliability of the logistic system, achieved through its flexibility, the mechanism for ensuring which is the survivability of the logistic system. In addition, the management of the logistics system must ensure the continuity of flow processes, compensated by parallelism. It should be noted that the principle of continuity is fulfilled by using the optimization model of the logistics network. Counteraction and adaptation of the logistic system to external factors are provided by the following logistic principles: availability and simplicity. Conclusions. Thus, it is on the above principles of logistics support and the use of modern logistics tools - network logistic models the proposed methodological approach to organization of medical supply of military and medical units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine performing tasks in the area of Joint Forces Operation. Keywords the Joint Forces Operation, medical supply, logistic network, flow processes, optimization References 1. Prozatverdzhennya Osnovnykh polozhen' lohistychnoho zabezpechennya Zbroynykh Syl Ukrayiny, nakaz Ministerstva oborony Ukrayiny vid 11.10.2016 N 522. Available at: (in Ukr.). 2. Bilous M. V., Shmatenko O. P., Ryzhov O. A., Galan O. V., Drozdov D. V. Suchasna terminolohiya u viys'kovo-farmatsevtychniy lohistytsi Ukrayiny. [Modern terminology in military and pharmaceutical logistics of Ukraine] Military medicine of Ukraine. 2018. № 3 (18). pp. 82-85. (in Ukr.). 3. Novyts'kyy I. V., Us S. A. Dyskretna matematyka v prykladakh I zadachakh, Navch. posibnyk. 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